The new 95% mortgage guarantee scheme: what you need to know

The Government is set to launch a 95% mortgage guarantee scheme. Find out what you need to know about the plan and what it could mean for you.
Budget 2021: Headlines and talking points

The Government has announced its Budget for 2021-22. We take a look at some of the key talking points and what they could mean for you.
Hook, line and sinker – some things are just too good to be true

In these uncertain times, many of us are looking for something to cheer us up and keep us going, however we all need to be careful about what we get ourselves into, as without proper forethought, we may end up in a situation we do not want to be in.
How LRPD Trust works to give police dogs the retirement they deserve

The London Retired Police Dogs Trust has overcome the challenges of 2020 to do some amazing work in support of retired police dogs and their owners.
The Metfriendly Christmas Quiz 2020 – the results are in…

Metfriendly’s 2020 Christmas Quiz provided some fascinating insights into everything from police officers’ thoughts on the past year, to hopes and ambitions for 2021.
Over 10 years into retirement… my thoughts on saving and the Society

It’s over ten years since I retired from the Police Service, and things have changed quite a bit for me.
The Team Police Advent Challenge

Of course it’s the time of year to be stuffing our faces with turkey and pigs in blankets, but this year why not try something different with the Team Police Advent Challenge?
The power of friendship – November 2020

Last week I hosted a wine tasting on Zoom for a friend of mine who is a member of a wine club. What does a wine tasting have to do with Metfriendly I hear you ask?
Why it’s good to have a (10 year) plan – October 2020

A quirk of Metfriendly being a Friendly Society is that some of the products it offers are unique to friendly Societies, like the Ten Year Savings plan.
Message from your Chair, Joanna Young

I’ve spent the last few days reflecting on the National Police Memorial Day online service and wanted to share my thoughts with you as part of communications in my role as your Chair.