Other useful contacts

We are contacted about a range of police and money related queries every day. We’ll always try to help you as much as we can, but sometimes it’s not us you need to speak to and we’ll put you in the direction of someone who can offer you more assistance. 

Below are some of the useful points of contact we frequently pass on to our callers. 

Metropolitan Police Federation

This is the staff association to which every constable, sergeant, inspector and chief inspector in the Metropolitan Police Service belongs.

Address: 2 Elmfield Park
York House

Phone: 020 8464 2322

Email:  [email protected]

Website: metfed.org.uk

The Police Federation of England and Wales

Address: Federation House
Highbury Drive
KT22 7UY

Phone: 01372 352000

Email:  [email protected]

Website: polfed.org

Police Pensions and Pay Branch

Phone: 0207 161 2222

Police Pension Administrators

Contact: London Metropolitan Police pensions are administered by Equiniti

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0300 123 0828

For Police officer pensions choose: Option 1, then Option 4 and finally Option 1 

For Police staff pensions choose: Option 1, then Option 4 and finally Option 2 

For other Police pension administrators, a list of contact details is available on the government website.

Lifetime Solicitors

Lifetime Solicitors present at our Options retirement seminars. Contact them for information on wills and estate planning. Debbie may also be able to help you with regard to mortgages.

Contact: Debbie McKnight

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07947 306332

Metropolitan Police Trading Service

The Metropolitan Police Trading Service provides low cost finance to the London Police Family for goods and services through a network of ‘authorised suppliers’ and extending credit facilities if required. The list of goods and services includes cars, motorbikes, computers, electrical goods, cameras, power tools, jewellery, double glazing, carpets, furniture, central heating, building requirements, etc.

Address: Stephen Barrett House
134 Thurlow Park Road
West Dulwich
SE21 8HN

Phone: 020 8761 1818 (open Monday to Thursday from 10:30 – 13:30, closed on Friday)

Email:  [email protected]

Website: met-trading.co.uk 

National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO)

Address: 38 Bond St
West Yorkshire

Phone: 01924 362 166 (Office hours: Monday – Thursday 08:00 – 16:00, Friday 08:00 – 15:30)

Email:  [email protected]

Website: narpo.org

PIPS (Police Into Private Sector)

Angela from PIPS presents at our Options retirement seminars. Contact PIPS for information on looking for a new career after you leave the Police service.  They can help with networking, job opportunities, CVs and so on.

Contact: Angela Hackett

Email: [email protected]

Website: policeintoprivatesector.co.uk