Your Membership

As a member of Metfriendly you are a much valued customer and we will always strive to make your dealings with us easy, friendly and professional.

Information about your plans or policies

To find out the specific details of any plans or policies you have with Metfriendly simply call us on 01689 891454 (our normal office hours are 08.30 to 17.00 Monday to Thursday, and 08.30 to 16.30 on Fridays) and a friendly staff member will tell you anything you wish to know such as:

  • types of plans
  • number of plans and policies held
  • the value of your plans
  • bonuses earned
  • surrender information
  • claims information

Change of address

If you change your address please notify us of this as soon as possible so we can continue to communicate effectively. To ensure you are protected from identity theft and fraud we can only accept new address details from a validated source. We can do this in a number of different ways:

  • Notify us in writing. Just download our address change form (PDF)  print it out, sign it and return it to us at the address given at the top of the form.
  • Notify us by telephone. Just call us on 01689 891454.
  • Email us ([email protected]) from a Police email address. For your protection we are only able to accept email address change notifications from a Police email address unless it is a signed and scanned instruction which can be emailed from a personal email address.