Feedback, queries and complaints

We’re keen to know if we’re doing things right, or could do better, so please share any feedback you have with us. If you would like a response to your feedback, or if you are asking any questions please provide your email address.

Feedback or questions



Throughout our long history we have prided ourselves on the high level of service we provide to our customers who have savings, investment and protection products with us.

However, sometimes our Members can experience problems and if we could have done something better, we will endeavour to put it right.

What to do if you feel you have a complaint

You can tell us about your complaint in any of the following ways:

  • Telephone us: call 01689 891454
  • Email us: [email protected]
  • Write to us: Metfriendly, Central Court, Knoll Rise, Orpington, BR6 0JA.
  • Fill in the form below, and press submit.


Whichever method you use, your complaint will be investigated and you will receive a formal acknowledgement within five business days.

We are obliged to give you a full response seeking to resolve your complaint as soon as possible and in any case within eight weeks. If we are not in a position to make a final response within this time we will write to indicate when we expect to do so.

If you feel your complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily, you may refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR, telephone number 0800 023 4567 or by email [email protected]. We will send you details of how to do this.

Further information about the Ombudsman is available from their website: