Police Pay Award 2019/20 Announced

The Government has announced a 2.5% pay award for police officers in 2019/20, coming into effect from 1 September 2019.

Once again, this year we will be producing a guide offering clear information on how salaries are affected for officers at each rank and paypoint. Make sure you have signed up to our emails to receive an alert when the guide comes out.

The latest pay increase will consist of:

  • a 2.5% pay increase for all police officer ranks
  • a 2.5% increase to the London weighting payment
  • a 2.5% increase to the dog handlers’ allowance
  • an increase in the On-call Allowance from £15 to £20

As a result, pay scales have been amended across the board for police officers. Constables commencing service and appointed on or after 1 April 2013 will earn £20,880 in 2019/20, while Sergeants on the first level of pay will receive £41,499. Meanwhile, Inspectors outside London at the first level of remuneration can expect to earn £51,414.

Whilst you may remember the Government chose not to accept all recommendations made by the Review Body last year, this year’s recommendations were accepted in full.

How are police pay figures decided?

This year’s award was granted following recommendations by the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) and the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB). 

The PRRB, founded in September 2014, receives written submissions from interested parties that include the Police Federation, Superintendents’ Association, Chief Officers and PCCs. It then reviews these and goes on to make recommendations to the Prime Minister and Home Secretary on police pay. These days, there is no negotiation over the pay scales. They are solely based on evidence from each interested party.

The Government also accepted the recommendation not to change the current arrangements for apprentice progression. Apprentice constables will continue to be able to progress to the next pay point on the existing pay scales, subject to them satisfactorily completing year 1 of their apprenticeship. This will all be reviewed next year so that it can be considered alongside future pay rates for those entering under the Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship route.

To find out the pay scales by rank and pay point in 2019/2020, click below to view our guide.



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