Police and finance information

Metfriendly is dedicated to providing financial stability and security to all members of the UK Police Service. As well as our great savings, investment and protection products we also have some great resources and information available.

Don’t forget to sign up to the Metfriendly eNewsletter. You can expect to receive one or two emails a week with news including Police-related financial issues including our pay scales guide, special offers on our products, events and services.

Downloadable guides and information

Guides about police pay, budgeting and buying your first home, available to download, print and share.

Police Pay

Get the latest, comprehensive pay scales for all Police Officer ranks, and see a general information resource about Police pay issues.

Police Pension Resource Page

Visit our comprehensive police pensions resource for answers to all your pension questions.

Retirement Seminars

Find out all about our popular FREE retirement seminars and register for one!

Get in touch

If you’d like to discuss your financial options, click below to arrange an appointment or call our friendly team on 01689 891454.


Get information about mortgages

Affordable Loans

Get financial assistance without the hassle. If you ever need to apply for a loan why not consider Police Credit Union, part of the Serve and Protect Family?