
Our financial plans are available to all UK Police Service members and their families.

More specifically our membership is open to:

  • Serving, former or retired Police Officers
  • Serving, former or retired Police Staff
  • Serving, former or retired PCSOs
  • Special Constables and Volunteers
  • Police contractors*
  • National Crime Agency Officers
  • Employees of Police Sports Clubs

Immediate family members of all the above groups, as well as their partners, are also eligible to join the Society. Other eligible family members include:

  • Grandchildren and great-grandchildren
  • Step children, step grandchildren and step great-grandchildren
  • Nephews and nieces
  • Aunts and uncles
  • In-laws (limited to parents-in-law, brother/sister-in-law and son/daughter-in-law)

Unfortunately you are not eligible to join Metfriendly if you live outside the UK (and we cannot offer you new plans if you are already a Member) unless you are on a secondment or career break and where the UK is your primary residence. ISAs are only open to UK resident taxpayers.

*An eligible contractor is someone who has a contract of 12 months or longer, is based on police premises and who possesses a contractor ID number. Anyone applying via a Field Officer need only show their pass to evidence this, however those applying online or by post will need to send in a photocopy or scan of it.